Golden Flower Massage LLC

Awakening the healing light within


"I have experienced a lot of massages, and Chrys facilitated one of the greatest massages of my life. She was extremely intuitive in her touch and had a steady rhythm that sung me to a deep state of relaxation. For a majority of the massage, I was in a state in which I was getting rejuvenated from a deep spring of life within myself. One hour felt like a whole night of the deepest sleep and awakening with all of my cells humming like a perfectly balanced symphony. Thank you for the treat, and it is great to know my Mom is in great hands and seeing you regularly. This is the best preventative medicine ever!" --Jennifer W.

"Yesterday, after experiencing a massage following one of the worst weeks ever, I discovered that a great massage not only helps to heal and invigorate the body, but the mind and spirit as well. Truly an amazing experience! Thank you, Chrys!" --Linda M.

"Just had the most phenomenal massage EVER! I will compare it to a religious experience. Thanks, Chrys!" --Camille T.

"Just had my massage - it was WONDERFUL!!! Highly recommended for everyone." --Irina J.

"Very healing and relaxing. Very serene and flowing. Deeply relaxed me." --C.S.

“Great massage. I feel like Jell-O.”  --G.S.

“Very relaxing. I loved it so much, I’m coming back next week!”  --C.C.

“Very relaxing. I appreciate the extra tips on ways to improve my overall muscular strengths and concerns.”  --C.

“You are awesome. You have a powerful touch, I really appreciated it. Thanks for all!” --A.M.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025 Golden Flower Massage LLC. All rights reserved.